Thursday, January 24, 2013

Cultural insight

Culture, Culture, Culture!

When I think about the word culture I associate it with the term knowledge. Culture is the sea of subjective thoughts, feelings, and beliefsthat unfold to create a unifying way of life. Culture helps us understand whycertain groups of people live a certain way. Culture includes anywhere from howwe dress, the language spoken, types of foods eaten, and even ourreligious beliefs. The bond between beliefs, behavior, and knowledge is thefoundation of what culture is all about. I most identify with Mathew Arnold in "Culture and Anarchy". 

"culture...natural and prosper in an intelligent being, appears to be theground of it."

To be cultured today means, to be open minded, and aware ofyour surroundings. By allowing yourself to become cultured, you are acceptingthe unfamiliar. I believe culture and knowledge are directly related;therefore more you expose yourself to different cultures, the more knowledgeyou gain.

So why not put yourself out there and gain a little knowledgeabout culture? Learning about other societies than your own can deeplybenefit you. For instance, expanding your knowledge will allow you togain multiple perspectives on life, which in turn will teach you to value theway others live.