The claim I presented in my multimedia project is in regards
to the role parent’s play in the battle against child obesity. Parents are
essential key players in ensuring their children maintain a healthy weight. I
created a health related collage inside of a “family paper people chain” to
illustrate certain healthy habits that parents should encourage children to
take part in. The family linked together symbolizes the powerful connection
between parent and child, and the influence parents have on their children. I used this type of genre because I feel that
healthy habits are easier to understand when seen visually rather than just
text. I chose to use a poster board for my medium in order to emphasize the
visual elements. The first modality I chose was still images, which create an
effective visual aspect. The next modality I assimilated in my college was
color. I paired healthy eating and physical fitness with bright energetic
colors in order to generate a positive emotion. This is turn will hopefully encourage
that being healthy can be fun and exciting! The last modality I chose was text,
in my paper I focus a great amount on positivity whether it was dealing with a
positive atmosphere, positive role models, or positive engagement/ support. I
included positive words on the poster in order to show that health focuses on
positivity. I also listed a few ways parents can promote a healthy lifestyle
for children. Sometimes parents need a push in the right direction in order to
begin the journey into a new healthy life. The overall effect of these
modalities working together generates a positive message in that parents are
the number one role models influencing their child’s health, and it is up to
them to stress the importance of health.